What is Fertility Yoga?

Fertility yoga is a series of yoga poses focusing on the reproductive and endocrine system for correct hormonal balance. These poses bring a good blood supply to these areas of the body and work on unblocking any tension areas that may be acting as a barrier to conceiving. Through guided breathing techniques, fresh oxygen flows to  the mind for more clarity. This in turn allows the clear mind to work with a more released body to eliminate toxins and regulate the cycle. Stress is a huge factor when trying to conceive and cortisol levels in both men and women can rise considerably. Other contributors, such as busy jobs, poor diet, not being able to switch off and lack of sleep can add mounting pressure causing the body and mind to not respond as well as it is able to. Studies have shown that yoga can help reduce stress levels

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Who can benefit from this?

Fertility Yoga can work well on its own or if you’re receiving treatment through IVF, egg donor or any other means. It prepares the body and mind to be in the most calm, open state and allows the vital organs to be nourished to allow for optimum performance. Anyone can benefit from this type of yoga, from those with unexplained fertility to men and women of all ages.

How to work with me?

A consultation is carried out to determine requirements of the individual or couple. Structured sessions are then planned based upon these requirements so that the person/persons get a bespoke service. I have worked with individuals and couples over the years. I enjoy both, but it’s always nice to involve the other half in these sessions, as often they can feel disconnected from the process. It also helps to connect with each other’s emotions and support the other on this shared journey. It is also beneficial for men to practice fertility yoga, as the flow of blood to pelvic region can help increase sperm count.





Free 20 minute discovery call to see if I can help


1 Hour Consultation


It is recommended to have at least 12 sessions to allow the body and mind to learn to relax. However, you choose what works for you


 includes short massage and heated lavender eye pillow for deeper relaxation


Individual 6x1 hour 1:1 sessions face to face


with heated lavender eye pillows for deeper relaxation sent in the post


Couples 6x1 Hour 1:1 sessions face to face


with heated lavender eye pillow for deeper relaxation sent in the post


Individual 6x1 hour 1:1 sessions online zoom session


with heated lavender eye pillows for deeper relaxation sent in the post


Couples 6x1 hour 1:1 sessions online zoom session